Hackers-Arise is so excited to offer this new program and career path!
Software Defined Radio and specifically, Signals Intelligence, is the cutting edge of cybersecurity! So many have asked for a specific career path in this field that we responded!

If you a newcomer to cybersecurity or seasoned professional, you will find this program an excellent way to bring your skills up to the future. For just $2000 for this 3-year program, you can take leading-edge radio signals intelligence hacking courses at Hackers-Arise.
These course include the following (we are adding new classes all the time)"
SDR Basics for Hackers
Advanced SDR for Hackers
Satellite Hacking
Bluetooth Hacking
SDR for Cellular Systems
Building a FemtoCell
Wi-Fi Hacking
Smart Home Hacking
RFID Hacking
IoT Hacking
Car Hacking