Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Course
Course Outline
I. Introduction to OSINT
II. OSINT for Hackers and Pentesters
1. Finding Passwords
2. Web cams
3. Finding Vulnerabilities
4. Finding Technologies
III. OSINT for Investigators
1. Searching Social Media
2. Finding Emails
3. Finding Phone Numbers
4. Geo-Location
5. Facial Recognition
6. Usernames
7. Finding Family Members and Associates
8. Finding emails
IV. OSINT for Journalists
1. Social Media
2. Usernames
3. Scams
4. Asset Searches
5. Satellite Data
6. Deleted Web Information
The Internet is the largest repository of data in the history of humankind!
We must learn to cultivate, extract and mine that data to gain the intelligence inherent in all that data. We designed this course to provide you with the tools and techniques to gain intelligence from all this data.
This type of training is essential for the hacker, the forensic investigator, journalist.
the private investigator and the data scientist.
This course is part of the Subscriber PRO program.

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To register for this course, click here.