Digital Forensics
Digital forensics is the discipline of determining the who, what, where, how and when of what took place on a digital system. Now that so much of our lives is spent online, so much information can be deciphered by digital forensics.
This section is designed to both assist the hacker to understand what evidence they leave behind and to train the digital forensic investigator of tomorrow. Digital forensic investigations are now part of nearly every crime investigation as nearly every perpetrator leaves a "digital signature" of their activities and intent.
Digital forensics is a VERY broad field covering many sub-disciplines such as network forensics, mobile forensics, malware forensics and so much more. We will try to cover all of it here, eventually.
To read more on digital forensics, you can find tutorials on;
1. Capturing a Forensicly Sound Image
2. Live Memory Acquisition and Analysis
5. Analyzing the Registry for Evidence
6. Analyzing Windows Pre-Fetch Files for Evidence
8. Live Analysis with Sysinternals
9. Extracting EXIF Information from Graphic Files
If you want to learn more about Digital Forensics and become a Digital Forensics Investigator or Incident Response Handler, check out our upcoming Digital Forensics course.